Research Outputs

Roux, Éliane, ASRN Report on the Spaces of the Vatican Apostolic Palace and the Location of the Private Apartment of Gregory XII Next to the "Gallery."
Roux, Éliane, ASRN Report on the Donation of the Azuchi Screens to Gregory XIII and Their Original Location in a "Gallery."
Roux, Éliane, ASRN Report on the Rome-Padua Network of Antiquaries and Far East (16-17th cen.).
Sugimoto, Hiroshi, and Yoshihiro Senda, Dialogue on the Azuchi Castle, London Gallery, Shirokane.
Roux, Éliane, ASRN Report on Philips van Winghe and Network
Ota, Tomoko, ASRN Rapporto della campagna di ricerca eseguita a Roma dal 20 al 31 Maggio 2019 sulla Galleria della Cosmografia
Ota, Tomoko, ASRN Report: Research on Peiresc's letters at Inguimbertine Library, Carpentras, France.
Ota, Tomoko, and Éliane Roux, ASRN Research Report: Azuchi Castle Screens Project: State of the Research.
Sugimoto, Hiroshi, Quattro Ragazzi: Hopes and Illusions of the Momoyama Renaissance Europe through the Eyes of Hiroshi Sugimoto and the Tensho Embassy クアトロ・ラガッツイ 桃山の夢とまぼろし ⎯ 杉本博司と天正使節がみたヨローッパ. Nagasaki Prefectural Museum.
Roux, Éliane, Azuchi Castle Screens. Interim Report on the Gallery of Cosmography.
Sugimoto, Hiroshi, et al., Hiroshi Sugimoto: Gates of Paradise [with essays by Mark K Erdmann, Ryūji Hiraoka, Yukie Kamiya, Timothy Verdon] New York: Japan Society.
Erdmann, Mark K., Azuchi Castle: Architectural Innovation and Political Legitimacy in Sixteenth-Century Japan, Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences.
Ota, Tomoko, ASRN Report: Ricerca a Roma.
Cavaliere, Paola, “Azuchijō no zu byōbu. Il paravento dipinto raffigurante il Castello di Azuchi,” Atti del XXXI Convegno di Studi sul Giappone, Venezia, Associazione Italiana per gli Studi Giapponesi.
Cavaliere, Paola, Shimbo Kiyono, and Midori Wakakuwa, Research Report (2004-2007): The Azuchi Screens.
Public Presentations
Shimbo, Kiyono, "Report on Azuchi Screen Inquiry," Shiga Prefecture History Seminar for Reconstruction of Azuchi Castle, Otsu, Shiga [新保淳乃「安土山図屏風調査の現状」滋賀県「幻の安土城」復元プロジェクト・歴史セミナー], Shiga prefecture, March 25.
Shimbo, Kiyono, Past and Present of Azuchi Screens Inquiry: Report on research activities, Omihachiman City Azuchi Castle Restoration Promotional Committee [新保淳乃「安土山図屛風探索の現在地:探索プロジェクト活動報告」、近江八幡市安土城復元推進協議会、講演会 ], Shiga prefecture, Feb 4.
Shimbo, Kiyono, "Whereabouts of Azuchi Screen," Shiga Prefecture History Seminar for the Reconstruction of Azuchi Castle [新保淳乃「安土山図屏風の行方]、滋賀県「幻の安土城」復元プロジェクト・ここ滋賀歴史セミナー], Tokyo, Jan 29.
“From Azuchi to Rome: The Tenshō Embassy and the Azuchi Screens” panel in the Beyond the Southern Barbarians: Repositioning Japan in the First Global Age Online Symposium, hosted by Kyushu University & Yale University, Feb 16.
Shimbo, Kiyono, "Whereabouts of Azuchi Screen," Memories of Japan at the Relationships between Japan and Vatican: Public Symposium of Vatican-Japan 100th Project [新保淳乃「安土山図屛風のゆくえ」、バチカンに眠る日本の記憶:文化と交流450年・教皇の知り得た日本、公開シンポジウム], Sophia University, Tokyo, Nov 13.
Quattro Ragazzi: Hopes and Illusions of the Momoyama Renaissance | Europe through the eyes of Hiroshi Sugimoto and the Tenshō Embassy, Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum, Exhibition Opening + Symposium, Jan 27.
New Research on the Azuchi Screens Symposium, Azuchi Community Center, Jun 29.
Quattro Ragazzi: Hopes and Illusions of the Momoyama Renaissance | Europe through the eyes of Hiroshi Sugimoto and the Tenshō Embassy, Exhibition Opening + Symposium, MOA, Atami, Oct 6.
Shimbo, Kiyono, "Tensho Mission and Italy: Italian Art in the Era of World Missions," Seibi Gakuen College, Institute for Italy-Japan Research, Italian Culture Seminar[新保淳乃「天正少年使節とイタリア:世界布教時代のイタリア美術」星美学園短期大学日伊総合研究所、イタリア文化講座], Tokyo, September 22.
Cavaliere, Paola, ‘Japan and Europe: the First Japan-European contacts and the First Japanese Mission to Europe,’ Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Apr 14, 2006 (invited speaker).
Cavaliere, Paola, 'Azuchijō no zu byōbu. Il paravento dipinto raffigurante il Castello di Azuchi'. Italian Association of Japanese Studies. The University of Venice, Sept 20.

Kinoshita, Nobuomi. “Oda Nobunaga no Azuchi-jō tenshu, kaimei no jitsuzō yumei” Nihon Keizai Shimbun Nov 28.
Hasumi, Shinya. “Azuchi-jō-zu byōbu doko ni” Yomiuri Shimbun, Jul.
Hashimoto, Mari. “Azuchiyama-zu byōbu wo sagase!” Geijutsu Shincho. Vol 69, No 10. Oct 25.
NHK Educational, Nichiyō Bijutsukan [Sunday Museum], ‘Shōnentachi ha Roma wo mezashita – e de tadoru tenshōkenōshisetu’, August 28.
‘Maboroshi no byōbu sagashi ni idomu Azuchichō no yume ga machizukuri pawā o ōkiku yashinande iru’, Kakehashi, Shigagin Business Watching, vol. 69, Dec 1 2006: 6-11.
NHK Nyūsu 7ji (Kansai), Interview: ‘Azuchijo no byobue tansaku purojekuto [The Azuchi folding screen project]’, May 14.
NHK Nyūsu 7ji (Kansai), Telephone interview from Italy ‘Azuchijo no byobue tansaku purojekuto [The Azuchi folding screen project], Jan 21.